Do you remember last year at ReNEWed Life when Mary DeMuth touched on the lies we believe that leave us feeling unworthy? Could you relate to any of them? Perhaps you are a new friend to our ministry and are not sure what I'm talking about, but can relate to the struggle with unworthiness. I believe if we're honest, we all can! So please don't feel alone in this battle. You don't have to be unequipped either!
Mary recently released a new book titled "Worth Living" and it is worth reading! Here's a glimpse of what the book is about -
"All women yearn to wake up each morning know that no matter what their circumstances, they can feel joy because they are secure in God's love for them and their unique place in the world.
With deep compassion, Mary DeMuth dares women to believe that the God who starts a good work in them is faithful to bring it to glorious completion. That the God who redeems them also loves them - right now and always - with a beautiful love. That they are daughters of the King, always welcomed in His presence. She helps women discover a future where they know they are wildly loved, they feel strong and secure, and they are destined to have a great impact on the world around them."
Today we are going to bless someone with a copy of their own, so in order to enter share your answer to this question -
In what way have you ever felt unworthy?
If time is short just leave your name and email so we can contact you if you win! Also for a second entry, share this post with friends via social media - just let us know you did!
Stop by next Friday when we will announce the winner and do another give-away!!! Registration forms are now available and can be printed from our blog!! Let us know if you have any questions. Blessings friends!