Thursday, August 22, 2019

Knowing God and Making Him Known

At ReNEWed Life Women's Event on August 17, 2019, we were blessed to see this video. We are grateful for the way God has worked in Jackie's life. Her words are testimony to His great faithfulness, provision and peace. We pray Jackie's story encourages you as you get to know God and make Him known.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019


     I’m so thankful for the opportunity to spend Sunday mornings worshipping with brothers and sisters in Christ, being fed and stretched by the Word, and experiencing fellowship in the Lord.

     Last Sunday afternoon, after experiencing the above together, two members of the RL Leadership team asked me about specific songs, and if we were singing them at ReNEWed Life this year. After a short time, I responded with “No,” and joked, “where were you 6 weeks ago?” Note, I did not say, “Beautiful songs; I’ll pray about them.” I did not thank them for their kind suggestions. I just shut them down.

     Everyone thinks this is really out of character for me, and it usually is, depending on what’s at stake. We laughed about it at our meeting last night. If it hadn’t been through text messaging, I would not have answered as I did. I would have said something like, “Hmmm, let me think about that,” or, “Great idea, I’ll see how those fit with the other songs that have been selected.” I mean, I rarely just say no!

     But, I was feeling pretty good about the songs we have, and thankful to have made some final decisions that help me move forward with practices, PowerPoint slides, song sheets, etc. I mean, there’s a lot to get done in the next week and a half! So what hits me on the way home from the meeting? CONVICTION. I am not sovereign over the song selections for RL, God is. I am not sovereign over the technology and presentation, God is. I do not have control over how my days play out between now and then, God does. He knows. He leads. He cares. He IS. Isaiah 55:8 – “’For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,’ declares the Lord.”

     A danger then slips in. Satan whispers, “Do you really think God directed you in those songs you chose? They’re just songs you like! Do you really think God wouldn’t give the right songs to your more spiritual and more mature friends? You don’t know what you’re doing, and you just wait and see how I’m going to make a fool of you!”

     Thank you, Lord, that Pastor Tim just preached about your provision and protection over us. I raise my shield and extinguish those flaming arrows, and I secure my helmet, knowing my salvation is secure in You, and not in what I do or don’t get right today.

     I don’t know if you will hear those song suggestions on August 17th. God knows. Logistical reality says that final decisions have to be made. Pages have to be printed. PowerPoint slides have to be prepared. I trust Him to lead, in the right time, to the right decisions. Don’t stop suggesting, sweet sisters (for next year, that is!). And whether I’m made a fool or not is irrelevant, because God Almighty will be made much of.

     Come, sing with me!